Thursday 29 April 2010

The table given to us to analysis the DVD menusThis week we moved on from looking at graphics and onto the DVD menus that our project will be based on. To start of with the first lesson was spent just analysing DVD menus and looking at last years final submissions for this project. To analysis the DVD menus our lecture gave us all 2 copies of the following table with all the elements of a DVD menu, after we analyzed 2 different DVD menus I when to the library to get 2 DVD that fit into my genre which is horror and I would analysis the different elements of the DVD form my investigation.

The investigation was much more focused because we were only looking at one genre and looking at the codes and conventions for that genre. I found out a few things like not every DVD menu offer the same things and that many DVDs have some form of hidden material from hidden content to games.

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