Thursday 29 April 2010

Week 2 –
These are all the slides I did with out the bibliography This week was just carrying on with out investigation into graphics. I did most of it at home and I did learn a lot like the different terminology, what they meant and how they were used in the industry.

There were problems with some of the terminology because some of the terms used had other names and meanings so this didn’t help find a definition and use of some words also I was concentrating on one subject more than others because it was essayer to talk about them because I already knew About some of the topics I covered in my investigation i.e. pixels. I got over this by going to tutorial sites for Photoshop and by going to the library.

My strengths this week were that I was very thorough with my work making sure that I got all of the information that I needed and I sited and referenced all my sources very well. The only weakness I think I had was that I was too wordy with my investigation more pictures and diagrams would make what I found during my investigation much easier to understand. Also towards the end of this week I was rushed to complete this task which isn’t a good thing so need to organise my time and efforts more efficiently so I have time to check my work and make sure it’s to the standards that will gain me the high grade I want
Home work this week was to look at DVD menus. And start thinking about our own DVD menus.

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